ACQUIREX version 2.11 ReadMe file - README.TXT What is Acquirex for? _____________________ Acquirex has been designed to make easy use of PC plug-in cards that convert real world analogue signals into digital data. These cards are now available at low cost, from around œ50 upwards. They can convert the voltages coming from sensors that measure temperature, humidity, pressure, strain, acceleration etc. into digital form that can collected and displayed on a personal computer. Some cards can also output either on/off digital or analogue signals to control relays, switches, motors etc. Acquirex was created because of the lack of suitable software to drive them. Getting useful data into a computer had previously meant programming for every aspect of the plug-in cards functions. With Acquirex you can set how often data is acquired, how it's converted and how you want to see it on the computer screen. There's space to add notes to your datalog, you can print them out or you can transmit the data to another computer via the serial port. You can also control analogue and digital outputs, if you're card is capable of doing so. Some of these control functions can be linked to the analogue data that's coming in to create sophisticated control systems. Acquirex can be run as a TSR - Terminal and Stay Resident program, with ususal proviso's about memory requirements. All the details of exactly how easy Acquirex is to use is in the 30 page manual that you get when registering. Which A/D cards can I use? __________________________ The PC plug-in cards currently supported are - Amplicon PC27 Amplicon PC26A/26AT Amplicon PC60A/61A Bede PC-ADH24 Cil PC-Alpha-16M12 Cil PC16/12 Decision DCI-40 Decision DCI-50 Decision DCI-60 Decision DCI-70 Flytech FPC-010 Flytech FPC-011 Flytech FPC-023 PC-Labs PCL711/711B PC-Labs PCL812 UEI PC26 UEI PC30 UEI PC60 More cards are being added all the time, but if your card is not mentioned, we can add it for you when you register or you can try programming for it yourself within Acquirex. Please NOTE that if you try installing some A/D cards when they are not plugged into your system, and then running Acquirex, your system may hang - this is because you're waiting for a non-existant card to convert data that isn't there! How is Acquirex conigured? __________________________ The shareware version of Acquirex comes with NO Restrictions except that the number of scans is limited to 100. Everything else is exactly as the Registered version. Acquirex is configured as if monitoring a solar house - each of 16 channels refers to solar radiation, electricity consumption etc. You can alter the names of the channels to your own and save them in a coniguration file. How do I get the Full version? ______________________________ If you've found this shareware version of ACQUIREX useful then please REGISTER by sending œ39.95 + VAT (shipping is free) to - Equinland Limited 156 High Street Bildeston Ipswich IP7 7EF United Kingdom You'll recieve a message-free disk (please state 5.25" or 3.5" format) a license contract a bound, 30 page, A4 illustrated manual 60 day technical support via product hotline or fax 3 month free upgrade support Registering shareware helps create more powerful, low cost software! Thank you for using ACQUIREX.